Saturday, August 1, 2009
Turn Negative Automatic Thoughts Around for a Dolce Vita
One of the most common errors in thinking style is the automatic negative thought process; something which creeps up on us suddenly and colors our mood even before we realize it. But when you look at the "evidence", the cold hard facts, things are rarely as awful as they seem to be, or as we expect them to be at first glance.
Today I challenge you to see "beyond" the discouraging surface to what really is---and look for the beauty in what remains. This is the way to a dolce vita , a sweet life.
If you feel this message is useful to someone, feel free to pass it on, as long as you give proper credit (below)
Your Life Coach,
Raeleen Mautner, Ph.D. or
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Make la Domenica Special
Your Sunday customs might be similar, or entirely different from mine. That is okay. But whatever they are--or were--I urge you to renew them or start a new tradition that will set your Sunday apart from the rest of the week. When you make your Sunday special it becomes a marker--a signal--that a fresh new week (with problems of the week gone by a mere memory)--is about to begin. A week of new hope, joy, possibility.
So enjoy your Sunday. Make it special. Turn on some music. Rest. Worship. Meditate. Whatever you don't get a chance to do during your hectic week. Do it today. Then start Monday as if it were the first day of the rest of your life. Because it is.
a presto!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Passeggiata (Stroll) Therapy to Bust Through Worries
When I got back, all of my tasks were still waiting for me. Nothing had been so urgent that it wouldn't wait, and life was just a little more "dolce" for having taken time to replenish ME.
I urge you to take an impromptu therapeutic stroll, whenever you are in need of a lift. Life will seem different, easier, more joyful, upon your return.
What are YOU worried about in this economy? Post a comment below, and let me know what works for you to bring you back to well-being.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Change Something, ANYTHING, if you want to Reduce Stress!
How do YOU reduce stress? Or don't you? Let me know by posting your comments below.
Till next time.. a presto!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Word Diet
What would happen if you made a decision to cut your verbal output by 1/3 by getting rid of excess and negative talk? You would then learn to rely more on eye contact, observation of others' actions and body language--and above all, you would make sure that whatever you said was productive, encouraging, positive, and kind.
So let's beautify our verbal output from here on it. Use it for Truth, Light, Insight, and Wisdom. You ARE your word, so let all of what you say reflect your goodness.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
How to Flirt, Italian-Style
NEW LOVE GROUP FORMING! If you are looking for ways to attract love into your life--- dolce vita style--then sign up for the next group telecoaching series: AMORE! HOW TO FIND, KEEP, OR START ALL OVER IN LOVE. To put your
name on the waiting list for a Thursday evening weekly series, write with the words "love coaching" in the subject line.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Perfect Happiness is a Moment Away
The reason that time seems to stand still in the Bel Paese, is that there is a natural tendency to linger fully immersed in each moment before one lets it pass by. The focus is on the immediate--and nothing behind or ahead of it.
When you ask nothing more of yourself than to focus on what you are doing right now right here, you will finally discover the gift of freedom. Freedom from worry about your past, or about what will happen to you in the future. Each moment, when lived fully IS perfect happiness. Full immersion living will pull you out of emotional pain and into emotional relief. NOW is that wonderful moment in time in which you can just BE.
As you read this blog post you are neither ruminating over your past, nor fearful about your tomorrow. You are simply thinking about what you are reading, right? Nothing more. Nothing less. Happiness is really simple, isn't it? All you need do is consider the moment.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Make Today a Day of Favorites!
- song,
- meal,
- beverage,
- friend,
- outfit,
- TV show,
- poem,
- book,
- fragrance,
- sport
- etc.
NOW, fill your day with as many of these as you can. The more the better. Immersing yourself in favorites is like treating yourself to a day of celebration and abundance, and it won't cost you a cent. Get into the "favorites" habit each day and you will clear out mental negativity to make room for a life that fulfills you on every level. It is about honoring YOU.
If you'd like a free sample life coaching session to get you on your way to a dolce vita of your dreams, write
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Give Your Talent (and Love) Away!
I don't know how hand-made gifts came to lose value in our eyes next to factory-made store bought replicas of each other, but somehow this sadly happened, and it is up to all of us to bring back the value and appreciation of making or receiving something made with a persons energy, time, thoughtfulness, and love.
Whatever your talents are (writing poetry, pet care, painting, playing a musical instrument, baking. knitting, etc), list some ways you can turn them into gifts of love for the people you care about. You don't have to wait for a holiday to do this. Value the time and thought you put into this expression of your soul, and when others give you gifts that express their own spirit, honor it and thank them graciously.
In this economy homespun gifts save money and convey a warmth far greater than something made in an impersonal factory line.
The dolce vita way of life is all about going back to simple and authentic. Express who you are through the fruition of your unique talents. You will find that your light in this world shines a little bit brighter, each time, and will put a smile on many an appreciative face.
Need a little help in living a life of simplicity, balance, and fulfillment? Tell the Dolce Vita Life Coach about your dreams and goals, so we can come up with a plan to make them a reality.
NEW: Teleclass for job-seeking skills starting soon! Click on Get Job Teleclass.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
3 Dolce Vita Tips for GETTING HIRED!
1. Be respectfully persistent. Begin by bookmarking your favorite job sites—websites that announce jobs in your field, or the type of job you want to have. Now make sure you answer at least one ad every day, which fits with your skills, abilities, and interests. After a week or so, drop an email or give a follow-up call. Be courteous, not desperate. If the employer has still not made a decision, ask if and when you may follow up again. Your conscientiousness and respectfulness will be appreciated and remembered—even if you don’t get the job with them this time around.
2. Clean up your resume’. Remember, when employers see a cluttered resume (filled with bits and pieces of accomplishments and experience that have nothing to do with the job announcement), they associate YOU with disorganization. Here is a great resume’ tip. Bounce off of the job announcement itself. Use some of the same words as the duties and skill requirements of the job announcement itself. Of course, you must tell the truth and really possess these skills, but if you do, use the same language to express them that the employer has expressed in the ad
3. Mirror yourself confident. Get in front of your mirror and check out your appearance, the way you carry yourself, the way you talk. Now smile into the mirror to get the right attitude and refine all of it from square one. Go put on something that makes you feel good and look great. Practice standing tall and worthy. Talk with a full voice at the right volume and pace.
NEW TELESEMINAR!! If you’d like even more focused job-seeking strategies, join me for my 2-hour GET THAT JOB! : Job-Seekers’ Teleseminar.
· job confidence skills
· interviewing strategies
· ways to explore part-time money-making ideas,
· resume’ efficiency
· and more.
In short, I will teach you all I know about getting the edge in this seemingly impossible market. SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE.
Fee: $25
How to register: (click on Get Job Teleseminar) or to the left of this blog!
Date: Monday, June 8th
Time: 7-9 EST
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Believe in Yourself!
What does this mean to you? It means that when you approach your goals with confidence, you are more likely to succeed in reaching them. You will be more motivated, more persistent (think: Thomas Edison and how many filaments it took before he finally invented the light bulb!), and more likely to get up and start over when you hit a wall.
Now I am not talking about being confident about reaching unrealistic goals. I, for instance, no matter how confident I tell myself I am at becoming a concert pianist, will most likely never be one---because I haven’t played seriously in 30 years! But what about the goals you do have the skills for, but just lack the confidence you need to pursue them? Here are four ways to increase your “self-efficacy”, your confidence in succeeding at the specific tasks you need to do to reach your goals:
1) Think back to times in which you DID succeed at similar tasks. Bandura calls these “mastery experiences”. Just recalling them, and remembering how you did it, will increase your motivation and persistence to continue at the task at hand.
2) Observe someone similar to you, who is doing what you aspire to do. If not a live person, then read an inspiring biography, like Anthony Robbins used to do, to get himself motivated and in a “can do” mindset.
3)Find people who will verbally encourage you. We all have enough naysayers around us. Now look for the “yeahs”! People who believe in you and tell you so. They are like a social net of support and strength and definitely the kind of people you want to fill your inner circle with.
4) Keep calm and yet just excited enough to get “juiced up”, that is, have the energy to work hard, sacrifice, roll up your sleeves and give it the elbow grease that will get the task done
Remember , believing in yourself should be based in a realistic skill set, and the self-knowledge that you know how to set yourself apart from the crowd, by being persistent and motivated to go to the finish line. Now go and achieve the dolce vita (sweet life) that you deserve! And if you’d like a little guidance, a little verbal support and encouragement ,just drop The Dolce Vita Life Coach a line at for a free 30-minute strategy session, to see how we might work as a team.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
7 Keys to Success
1. Balance Your Life. A balanced life is like a net of support. When one area is broken you have the others to hold you up until you can fix it. Don't give your focus to just one thing. Pay attention to ALL of your needs. Good food and exercise, saving/earning enough money to pay your living expenses, feeling good about yourself, nurturing loving relationships, and spirituality.
2. Find a Mentor/Be a Mentor. Find someone who is similar to you (your background, situation, goals, etc) who has done what you hope to do. Ask them to mentor you, to share suggestions. Be willing to pay their fee if they are a professional who does what you are asking about for a living.
Share what you know with others, too. One of my favorite experiences was tutoring inner city kids after school when I was in high school. They couldn't wait for me to come each day and that made me feel important and valuable. Remember that helping out is a win/win situation.
3. Build emotional and physical muscle. Practice controlling your emotions by focusing on positive, not negative thoughts. Anger and stress can kill--and they do. Instead, write out your anger on a piece of paper, then rip it up and let it go. There is always something you can appreciate, and that state of appreciation will even change your heart rhythm.
Physical muscle is important, too. Make sure you get the activity you need everyday, including aerobic and weight bearing exercise. Staying healthy is key for achieving your goals more easily. It is also about appreciating the body you were given.
4. Acquire the Resources and Tools you need to succeed. Go to the library and take out books that are relevant to your goals. Take out biographies that will inspire and motivate you. Ask experts for recommendations as to how to do something you aspire to do. Resources are all around. Often we expect to reach a goal without acquiring the necessary skills and training to attain it. Get what you need and be confident you can succeed.
5. Develop a Strategy/Plan. Just "wishing" that your dreams will come true will not make it so. Plan out what you will do, step by step to actually make those dreams HAPPEN. Make them concrete and take a small step each day toward them.
6. Accept Life's Seasons. Just as a beautiful life-filled spring always comes on the heels of even the most frozen winter, you are surely going to experience ups and downs in life as we all do. Just remember how you got through the last winter or tough time in your life. You will then have the confidence to know you can do the same in the hard time you are facing right now. confidence. You CAN get through anything!
7. Get Clear on Your Values. What is it that is really important to your life right now? List those things and find ways to nurture them for as long as possible. Then clarify what in your life doesnt' serve you anymore. Come up with ways to eliminate those elements. Finally, write your goals--long and short term, for what you really DO want in your life that you don't have right now.
As always, life coaching can be a valuable tool and resource for you in putting these principles to work. Sample a free session with me by dropping me a line at Let me know what your goals are, and what the obstacles are that keep you from them.
Also, please mark this blog as a favorite, and my radio show at blog talk radio (dolce vita coach)! Hope you enjoy the episodes.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today, Let the Focus be YOU
Being of service to others is privilege and a gift, but often we neglect ourselves in such a way as to diminish our self-esteem and keep ourselves from thriving. How? Every time you pass up the exercise, eat junk food, or feed yourself junky-thoughts, it is like taking your most treasured plant and throwing it in the basement, where it will get neither food, nor water, nor light. Every time you let someone else tell you what is best for you, take advantage of you, or internalize someone else’s mean spiritedness, it is like doubling the punishment toward yourself. You were not put on this earth to wallow in self-deprecation.
The Truth is, YOU must be the defender of your own potential. When you need comfort, give yourself comfort with life-affirming self-talk. When you need protection, put an imaginary shield around yourself to block out negativity. When you need to get into shape, cut out the sugar and start walking so as to improve your health and to live a better life. When you’re feeling gloomy about how you look, strip off the sweats and get something out of the closet that will make you feel like royalty. Who cares if you’re only going to walk the dog? Today, I want the focus to be YOU. Do what it takes to celebrate the extraordinary being that you are.
If you need some help giving birth to a new YOU, I encourage you to join me for an individual or group life coaching experience. Drop me a line, and let me know what is keeping you from being all you know you can be. It is time to clarify, focus, and get yourself back on track. You deserve it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Love to Enjoy Life
Think: What and who do you love today? Make a list right now, as soon as you are done reading this post. Then fold the list and keep it in your pocket, to be carried around with you and unfolded many times throughout the day. You will go to bed tonight feeling rich, happy, and serene. If that isn't dolce vita, what is?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Cuore Mio, Heart of Mine
Till next time, Cuore Mio.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Felice Felice Felice....To Be Alive!
1. Feel happy to be alive; and
2. Be of service to others.
That’s the recipe that the distinguished Dottoressa has been cooking up and nurturing her soul with since 1909. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you consider it as your new recipe for a long and healthy life, too.
LAST CALL and BONUS when you sign up for my TURNING POINT TELECLASS, starting April 30th! Join me this week and every Thursday evening through June 4th for a personal development class you will never forget. Solid, hands-on information that you can use to:
- clarify your new direction
- appreciate each day for the energy of its gifts
- break the gravitational pull of negative events
- make a plan for renewal based on what matters to you most
Everyone that registers ( will get a free, signed copy of the book that started it all "Living la Dolce Vita". Filled with inspiration and self-help ideas to make your life seem like a bel paese haven.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Allure of Confidence
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Serenity Supper Recipe
Is your life out of balance and too heavy with worry, stress, and are you short-changing the areas that can bring real fulfillment and bliss? Let me help you to live a dolce vita, despite tough economic times. Go to and click on "life coaching" to see my special recession discounts. You can also follow me on twitter! Search for Raeleen Mautner and get an update each day.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Be Kind, Stay Strong
1.Perform at least one kind act for someone who doesn’t expect it.
2. To the extent that you can, don’t interact with people who are unkind to you.
3. Make your TV and film choices be “feel-good” activities, and avoid themes that contain violence.
Do you need to break through some obstacle in your life? I am offering deep discounts on my 20/20 Breakthrough Solution, and my Recession Stimulus Life Coaching packages. Go to and click on Life Coaching.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Looking Good: A Remedy for Tough Times
Monday, April 13, 2009
Declare Your Turning Point And Take Action
What is stopping you from declaring your turning point? If you'd like me to mentor you in developing a life strategy and hold you accountable for making the next break-through in your life, write to me and let's begin taking action right now: for a free introductory life coaching session, via telephone.
As always, your comments are welcomed on this post, and don't forget to subscribe (Atom) if you enjoy this blog. You can also follow me on Twitter:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Shift Happens (And it Should!)
· Fear to courage
· Defensiveness to the ability to listen
· Worry to positive action
· Factual knowledge to wisdom
· Narrow-mindedness to open-heartedness
· Clinging tight to letting go
· Junk food to life-giving foods
· Isolation to joyful socializing
Letting yourself explore a new perspective, helps the real you to emerge by unlocking self-imposed obstacles to your growth and personal development If you are ready to make a shift and need some support in following it through, I invite you to take advantage of a free 30-minute life coaching session to explore how we can work together. Write to At you can also sign up for my new weight-loss teleclass, starting this month.
Monday, March 30, 2009
8 "Dolce Vita" Happiness Strategies You Can Learn
Here are some of the best kept secrets I teach to my workshop students and life coaching clients (for a free sample life coaching telephone session: Feel free to see if they work for you, too.
1. Anchor Yourself with Rituals
Abraham Maslow wrote a lot about the human need for security. He did not only mean the obvious, like protecting ourselves from crime and having our finances in order, but also important is the rhythm of ritual that grounds us, and makes us feel safe in an unpredictable world. What are some healthy rituals you can weave into your daily, weekly, and monthly routines?
2. Stop Stress with Your Breath
The breath is a powerful tool for replenishing. It is like a mini vacation and an immediate stress –buster. Here is one of my favorite stress-busting breath patterns; one that I patterned after the wonderful material of integrative physician Dr Andrew Weil. It works and here is how to do it: Take 4 breaths in; hold for a count of 7 then take 8 counts to exhale through your mouth with the tongue on roof of mouth. Hear the whooshing sound it makes as you exhale. Repeat this 3-4 times. It is the next best thing to going to the Amalfi Coast.
3. Use the Thought Exchange
Did you know that 90% of worries never come true? And the ones that do come true are often beyond our control. Try this: make a list of things that make you smile, and whenever a worry comes to mind, write it down (tell yourself you can deal with it later but for now you’d like it out of your head), and substitute that negative thought with one of those positive, happy images. Make this a habit to become less a worrywart!
4. Be Physically Active
Physical activity, according to Fordyce is a wonderful antidote to a sullen mood. As he puts it “idleness is depression’s workshop”. Keep busy and engaged in the tasks at work and at home. Find ways to enjoy those activities, and in your free time, seek out activities that are fun for you. Being active is like making an investment in your life.
5. Get Organized
Most of us go thru life blindly. According to Fordyce, you get what you want when you know what you want. So get going and make a life plan. Set goals, long and short term, and give yourself a map through the journey of life.
6. Clean Up Your Relationships
First, I try to help my clients draw personal boundaries around, or eliminate toxic
relationships, so they no longer have the power to control them. Second, even with positive relationships it is always a good idea to lower your expectations, and realize that people are only human, with all of the flaws that we ourselves have. Cut the people you love some slack. Third, spend more time socializing, making friends, and also maintaining the friendships you have. This was a key point in my book “Living la Dolce Vita: Bring the Passion, Laughter, and Serenity of Italy into Your Daily Life” (, and it is important to remember that while we all need time alone, too much time alone can induce the blues.
7. Keep a Self- Therapeutic Journal
Writing is a tool that can be used for self-knowledge, catharsis (blowing off steam), self-expression, and for eliminating worries. You can also use journaling as a very effective weight loss tool (see my Spring Shape Up Teleclass, starting on April 13th Any cheap spiral notebook will do the job, but these days, when self-esteem seems to be dwindling along with the economy, I advise something that would seem counterintuitive—go and buy yourself one of those beautiful hardbound blank books, as a symbol that your life is worth it. In that book write out your goals, your dreams, anything you want—but keep it in a private place so that you will feel free to express yourself.
8. Achieve Something
Everyone needs to feel good about something they’ve accomplished. Give all tasks meaning by making them worthy of your time. Whether at home or at work, do the best job you can, at whatever you do. The research has shown that happy people are productive and this gives their life purpose.
· SELF-HELP WRITING eBook AVAILABLE: If you’d like to become a published self-help writer, you can order my new eBook on There you will find all of the information you need to reach your writing goals, including samples of article and book proposals, exercises for developing your theme and idea, and much much more.
· SPRING SHAPE-UP TELECLASS! Do you seek a gentler way to shape up for Spring? Valerie Bertinelli isn’t the only one who can look great in a bikini! Why not join me from the comfort of your own home, for my six-week teleclass series, Mondays, starting on April 13th, 8-9:30PM EST. You can register at
· FREE SAMPLE LIFE COACHING SESSION: Specializing in working with Italian Americans who want to reduce stress, save money, and live simply and more joyfully by reconnecting to the “dolce vita” principles of their heritage. To arrange for a time:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Be Your Own "Amore"
Visit to find out how you can get a free sample life coaching session with the "Dolce Vita Doctor". You will also find my latest eBook on How to Write and Publish Self-Help Books and Articles--jam-packed with great useable information and examples.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Teleclass Announcement!
The Power of One (The Dolce Vita Way to Lose Weight)
Losing weight, like learning to write in cursive, can be overwhelming if you think you have to learn all of the proper eating and exercising behaviors contemporaneously. You can’t suddenly expect to change years of improper eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle overnight, like rubbing on a magic genie lamp. Eventually you figure out there is no such thing as a genie that twitches her nose and transforms you into your slimmer alter ego. But here is an idea that is even better than having a personal genie, because you will learn to tap into the real genie within yourself. How do you get it to surface? You can start that chain reaction of weight loss success by selecting just ONE healthy behavior to work on at a time. Then go to the next. It doesn’t even have to be a major change. You could, for instance, simply increase your water intake by just one glass a day for the next couple of weeks. You will eventually perform this behavior effortlessly and naturally. When you see how easy that was, I promise you will be fired up for the next challenge. And then the next, and that is exactly how lifestyle behavior changes take hold. Are you ready to test the power of ONE for yourself? Here is how to start.
Begin by writing a list of ONES. Include all of the healthy dieting and exercise behaviors you think you need to work on, until they become second nature to you. Each list is individual, and you can jot down as many positive weight loss behaviors as you choose. Here are some ideas to get you started:
· One extra 20 minute walk on Saturdays
· One extra glass of water each day
· One less snack during the day each day
· One more serving of vegetables or fruit
· One 5-minute session of deep breathing in the morning
· One minute of positive affirmations at the beginning of each day
· One song on the radio each day, to which you dance freely
· One meal that includes low fat, healthy foods, each day.
· One less temptation hanging around in the refrigerator.
· One compliment that you give yourself without fail, each day.
· One minute of sit-ups before bed each night.
· One weigh-in a week to keep track of progress without obsessing
· One extra day a week of taking your vitamins, if it isn’t already a daily habit
Now choose a single behavior and don’t worry about the other ones on the list until you have mastered the one change you have targeted. Work on it for at least a couple of weeks, before beginning work on another one.
Notice how you feel once you have mastered each new positive habit. Notice how much more motivated you are to get right on to the next one.
Proceed this way until you have mastered your entire list. This is a satisfying, and very doable approach to weight loss, which inevitably snowballs from single behavioral changes, to an entire lifestyle overhaul.
My Power of One approach is a painless way to finally succeed at getting and staying fit. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Remember to center your energy on the behavior you have chosen for the day, and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by other things you must do. Start with the “a” and before you know it you will be on “z” and everything will come together naturally. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “One today is worth two tomorrows”.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Letting Your Casa Mirror Your Spirit
“You can read a person’s heart by the way they keep house,” she replied calmly as we sat in her large airy villa overlooking the placid gulf of Salerno. We had been discussing a headline in the Corriere della Sera: Italy Beats U.S. 21-4. That wasn’t the latest soccer score, but instead the results of a recent market research survey, reflecting the number of hours Italian versus American women dedicate to maintaining their homes each week. While most Americans, myself included, might consider the hours Italian women spend cleaning excessive, Italians say that when you cherish your home, you cherish yourself. When you’re feeling good, you pretty up your home; when you’re feeling down, a pretty home lifts you up. “It doesn’t take a lot of euro to clear out clutter, polish floors, or tastefully decorate,” Graziella told me.
The interiors of all Italian homes, from tiny apartment to sprawling villa, whether ornately Mediterranean or modern minimalist, are united by one common denominator: uncluttered loving care. A well-groomed home nurtures all who enter with serenity, aesthetic pleasure, and inviting warmth. Italian decorators know that color matters, too. Choose brighter colors if you want a stimulating atmosphere or darker colors for a more calming effect. Graziella picked warm salmon for her walls, terracotta for the floors, and overstuffed cream leather upholstery to soften the angular spaciousness. Each piece served a dual purpose of functionality and beautification. Bowls of spiced potpourri blended a baked-goods aroma with the salty ocean air flowing in from the windows. Sitting here felt like paradise and impressed on me the power of a room to comfort, nurture, relax, or renew. It is all in how you arrange it, decorate it, and yes -- care for it. Graziella’s advice for making home where the heart is?
“Weave love into every room of your house. Think of your castle as the canvas upon which you paint a beautiful life.”
Monday, March 23, 2009
The "Che ci posso fare" Way of Letting Go
As a kid growing up, I didn’t understand how this wise phrase reflected a mental turning point that allows you to put an impossible worry behind you and get back to the business of enjoying life. Who’s to say that with the passage of time a solution won’t come to you? Often it does. More often you realize that mountain of a problem was only a matter of perception, and now you perceive it as a molehill, hardly worth wringing your hands over.
Don’t get me wrong: I am all for taking action in response to life’s everyday problems. But I also have found that true serenity can be learned from the Bel Paese abitudine, of first determining if you want to, need to, or even can do something about a problem that has been making you miserable. Then realize that sometimes the best solution for an impossible situation is to accept it, let it go, and move yourself forward.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Family Traditions Mean Emotional Security
If you’ve let the traditions of your ancestors fade away, now might be a good time to bring them back. Intergenerational rituals are not mindless rote activities that have no purpose. Tradition is about carrying on the rhythm of emotional security. There is calm and comfort in letting yourself be gently guided by generations who have paved the way before you . Human beings (especially in these times) crave and need security in various forms—financial, physical, and emotional. From newborn to elderly and all ages in between we feel safe when we establish meaningful routines, such as those our ancestors kept to. You don’t have to be of Italian heritage to explore (or start) family rituals and traditions. If you are unsure of your own familial traditions and want to see if they bring a measure of comfort to your emotional life, try asking an elderly aunt, or uncle, or see if a sister or brother can recall something about how your ancestors lived their lives. Look at old photos, or dig up some facts about the towns your grandparents grew up in to see what traditions were practiced in that time period and locale. It takes very little effort to reconnect to the heritage that anchors you, and the payoff can be big, in terms of your serenity.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Power of a Bel Sorriso (smile)
Michele, nurse by day and singer by night, skipped joyfully around the tables as he belted out powerful vocal melody, holding his microphone as if it were an aspergillum sprinkling holy water on the faithful. Then, directly gazing into the eyes of the guests, he flashed a sorriso (smile) that beamed energy into each of its recipients, reawakening them to the profound joy of feeling alive. Like Michele, we too have the power to draw people in and make them feel great to be around us, and that power lies in our own energetic smiles. The purity of a smile that has no agenda other than to communicate happiness has a power all its own. This simple pleasure is what the dolce vita is really about.
Remember this as you go through your day: Even when you don’t feel like smiling, just try it, and see how it can dramatically change not only your mood, but the energy of those around you.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The "Arrangiarsi" Mindset
Thursday, March 19, 2009
5 Secrets for a "Dolce Vita" Even if the Rest of the World is in Chaos
Step 1: Pare down to basics. Examine your bills and call companies to remove the extra services you don't need. Examine your wardrobe and sell or donate what you haven't worn for a year or more. Learn to say "no" so you can simplify your daily schedule. finally, cut "noisy thoughts" from your mind by substituing with long deep breaths.
Step 2: Cut out excess! We don't need 3 vacations a year, or to go to restaurants several times a week. You can save money by forgoing last minute items at the supermarket, and opting for freebies--like walking instead of going to the gym for exercise; brown-bagging it instead of buying lunch from the cafeteria.
Step 3: Keep your life balanced. Chaos comes from being overwhelmed with "to do " lists. 'Remember there is a time for work, and a time for play. Make sure your social relationships are healthy and positive, and that you also devote a certain amount of time to your spiritual nature.
Step 4: Use the One-Happiness-a-Day Rule: Make a list of things that make you smile. Then make sure you do one every day. Go out for coffee with your best friend; take a hot celtic salt bath with a few drops of lavender added to the water; work on a project you're good at so that you feel a sense of accomplishment.
Step 5. Project a Positive Energy. While most people are running around scared and confused, you be the one who keeps calm and draws like energy to you. No one wants to be around someone who is always complaining, crying, or expressing negativity. That only makes people more frightened than they are and they will try to avoid you, not hire you, not want to go out with you. Honestly, who could blame them?
Simplicity, modest living, and balance, are key to living a "dolce vita" in a world-gone-mad. And don't forget to take real joy in every small pleasure God graces your day with.