Thursday, May 21, 2009

7 Keys to Success

No matter what else is going on in the world, these principles will keep you on track--all the way to realizing your goals.

1. Balance Your Life. A balanced life is like a net of support. When one area is broken you have the others to hold you up until you can fix it. Don't give your focus to just one thing. Pay attention to ALL of your needs. Good food and exercise, saving/earning enough money to pay your living expenses, feeling good about yourself, nurturing loving relationships, and spirituality.

2. Find a Mentor/Be a Mentor. Find someone who is similar to you (your background, situation, goals, etc) who has done what you hope to do. Ask them to mentor you, to share suggestions. Be willing to pay their fee if they are a professional who does what you are asking about for a living.
Share what you know with others, too. One of my favorite experiences was tutoring inner city kids after school when I was in high school. They couldn't wait for me to come each day and that made me feel important and valuable. Remember that helping out is a win/win situation.

3. Build emotional and physical muscle. Practice controlling your emotions by focusing on positive, not negative thoughts. Anger and stress can kill--and they do. Instead, write out your anger on a piece of paper, then rip it up and let it go. There is always something you can appreciate, and that state of appreciation will even change your heart rhythm.
Physical muscle is important, too. Make sure you get the activity you need everyday, including aerobic and weight bearing exercise. Staying healthy is key for achieving your goals more easily. It is also about appreciating the body you were given.

4. Acquire the Resources and Tools you need to succeed. Go to the library and take out books that are relevant to your goals. Take out biographies that will inspire and motivate you. Ask experts for recommendations as to how to do something you aspire to do. Resources are all around. Often we expect to reach a goal without acquiring the necessary skills and training to attain it. Get what you need and be confident you can succeed.

5. Develop a Strategy/Plan. Just "wishing" that your dreams will come true will not make it so. Plan out what you will do, step by step to actually make those dreams HAPPEN. Make them concrete and take a small step each day toward them.

6. Accept Life's Seasons. Just as a beautiful life-filled spring always comes on the heels of even the most frozen winter, you are surely going to experience ups and downs in life as we all do. Just remember how you got through the last winter or tough time in your life. You will then have the confidence to know you can do the same in the hard time you are facing right now. confidence. You CAN get through anything!

7. Get Clear on Your Values. What is it that is really important to your life right now? List those things and find ways to nurture them for as long as possible. Then clarify what in your life doesnt' serve you anymore. Come up with ways to eliminate those elements. Finally, write your goals--long and short term, for what you really DO want in your life that you don't have right now.

As always, life coaching can be a valuable tool and resource for you in putting these principles to work. Sample a free session with me by dropping me a line at Let me know what your goals are, and what the obstacles are that keep you from them.

Also, please mark this blog as a favorite, and my radio show at blog talk radio (dolce vita coach)! Hope you enjoy the episodes.