Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Allure of Confidence

From as early as his teen years, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) had a vision of independence and unity for his country, and for the liberation of all oppressed people. This courageous leader of the Italian Risorgimento (unification) worked feverishly towards this goal for his entire life. Despite setbacks, he never wavered in his conviction, but kept moving steadily toward it. People were drawn to his confidence like flies are to honey. That inspiration was what powered his success. When you exude confidence others crave your company, because it boosts their energy, too. Confidence is contagious because it feeds the human hunger to believe in oneself. We need to be models of confidence now, more than ever—for our children, our friends and coworkers, and most of all for ourselves, so we can stay motivated to succeed in tough times. One of the most important techniques for gaining confidence is to become really good at something you’ve never tried before. Start out small, with a baby-step commitment to a brand new project you think you’d love to do, but have been putting off because of fear of failure. When I decided to write a book I never thought I’d be able to complete it, let alone publish it. But I started small. With just an outline of the ideas I wanted to include. Then a paragraph. Then a page. Completion of the book was my idea of success. Others define success in their own way. Remember that it is your own voice that counts. The more you learn to follow it, the more confident you will be, and the more you will inspire others.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story, Kit! Thanks for taking the time to share it.
