Thursday, May 28, 2009

Believe in Yourself!

Social psychologist Albert Bandura wrote: “People who regard themselves as highly efficacious act, think, and feel differently from those who perceive themselves as inefficacious. They produce their own future, rather than simply foretell it.”
What does this mean to you? It means that when you approach your goals with confidence, you are more likely to succeed in reaching them. You will be more motivated, more persistent (think: Thomas Edison and how many filaments it took before he finally invented the light bulb!), and more likely to get up and start over when you hit a wall.
Now I am not talking about being confident about reaching unrealistic goals. I, for instance, no matter how confident I tell myself I am at becoming a concert pianist, will most likely never be one---because I haven’t played seriously in 30 years! But what about the goals you do have the skills for, but just lack the confidence you need to pursue them? Here are four ways to increase your “self-efficacy”, your confidence in succeeding at the specific tasks you need to do to reach your goals:

1) Think back to times in which you DID succeed at similar tasks. Bandura calls these “mastery experiences”. Just recalling them, and remembering how you did it, will increase your motivation and persistence to continue at the task at hand.

2) Observe someone similar to you, who is doing what you aspire to do. If not a live person, then read an inspiring biography, like Anthony Robbins used to do, to get himself motivated and in a “can do” mindset.

3)Find people who will verbally encourage you. We all have enough naysayers around us. Now look for the “yeahs”! People who believe in you and tell you so. They are like a social net of support and strength and definitely the kind of people you want to fill your inner circle with.

4) Keep calm and yet just excited enough to get “juiced up”, that is, have the energy to work hard, sacrifice, roll up your sleeves and give it the elbow grease that will get the task done

Remember , believing in yourself should be based in a realistic skill set, and the self-knowledge that you know how to set yourself apart from the crowd, by being persistent and motivated to go to the finish line. Now go and achieve the dolce vita (sweet life) that you deserve! And if you’d like a little guidance, a little verbal support and encouragement ,just drop The Dolce Vita Life Coach a line at for a free 30-minute strategy session, to see how we might work as a team.