Thursday, June 25, 2009

Passeggiata (Stroll) Therapy to Bust Through Worries

Today I stopped everything to take in a breath of fresh air. A lovely stroll (or what we call la passeggiata) through the city with my shih tzu, Bella, and one of my dearest friends. Great conversation and a coffee break ideal for people watching at an outdoor cafe'.

When I got back, all of my tasks were still waiting for me. Nothing had been so urgent that it wouldn't wait, and life was just a little more "dolce" for having taken time to replenish ME.

I urge you to take an impromptu therapeutic stroll, whenever you are in need of a lift. Life will seem different, easier, more joyful, upon your return.

What are YOU worried about in this economy? Post a comment below, and let me know what works for you to bring you back to well-being.


  1. I have a Shih Tzu also, they are the world's greatest dogs! I like to take her for walks with my kids. My son, age 18, and my daughters age 16 and 12 tend to open up and talk more when we walk.

    It definitely is a great stress reducer. Dixie, our dog is great company as well.

    Keep up the blogging, I love your book --- I hope more people find out about you. The times we are living through are tough, and the Italians have survived well through tough times!
    Our young American culture can definitely use this help.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement Cara Ruth! So glad to know my messages resonate with you. Walking is a great way to get the lines of communication open, when going fact to face is too intense or awkward for some. Keep up the great work!

